Photography by Ronald Smits
Feather - Dutch Invertuals
Feather is a surface visualizing your heart beat, vibrating with every movement.
Feather is a prototype from our Bio Mirror research, i.c.w. Bin Yu and the Future Everyday research group of TU/eindhoven. Biofeedback is the translation of our own bio-data, like heartbeat, respiration and stress level, into virtual images. Instead of virtual output, we experimented with tangible, moving pop-up surfaces, taking biofeedback out of its clinical context.
Effect - stressreducing, visualizing biodata
Material - paper prorotype with biosensing platform
Collaboration with - Bin Yu, Future Everyday research group of TU/eindhoven
First presented at Dutch Invertuals
what if a surface responds to your heartbeat,
what would it look like and how would it move?
Photography by Lucas van der Wee
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