One House Built
318 square meters of LDPE foil
313 meters of PET strips
470 cardboard bags
24 single-use pallets
One house built
This is the equivalent of one standard
Dutch row house, in packaging waste.
Focusing on (the top ranking) LDPE foil, this installation invites you to enter and wander, making you experience the amount and the material potential of this standard junk.
One House Built is acollaboration with ATTB and Kirstie van Noort
materializing the quantity and potential of the construction waste of one standard row house built
In our ever growing cities, space scarcity results in a booming, efficient construction sector. Using prefab elements the system is perfectionized, but what happens in the slipstream?
This installation materializes the quantity and potential of the 318 sqm of LDPE foil per house built.