Surface of Sound - Edge Berlin
Surface of Sound is a bespoke, interactive installation for the meeting room of Edge Berlin.
Every panel has a different 3D surface design and invites you to interact. When you come very close or gently touch it, various sounds and scents are revealed, depending on where you touch the panel. Together, you 'play' the installation like an instrument.
Effect - activates and triggers senses, enables within Edge GC to really get out of their workload, refresh, and enter a meeting fully open-minded.
Material - Mirabilia Wallcovering + sensing platform
Client - Edge
Architect - Bolwin | Wulf
Collaboration with - Jesse Kirschner (technology) and Onno Kortland & Eric van de Lest (sound)
an interactive installation that speaks to your senses and makes you explore your environment
Photography by Lucas van der Wee